5 Health Checks to Get Before Your Deductible Resets
As the year draws to a close, now is the best time to take advantage of your health insurance deductible. While preventive screenings are free under the Affordable Care Act, there are additional health checks you can schedule that will provide greater insight into your health. Namely, there are several skin health checks to consider at the Florida Academic Dermatology Center before the new year arrives.
Skin Cancer Screening
Have you had your annual skin cancer check from a board-certified dermatologist? Every year, about 5.4 million people are diagnosed with basal and squamous cell carcinoma. Additionally, the American Cancer Society estimates 97,610 people will be diagnosed with melanomas.
Scheduling an annual skin cancer screening can not only lead to early intervention but also provide you with personalized feedback about any risk factors you may have.
Mole and Birthmark Evaluation
If you notice any changes in size, shape, or color of moles or birthmarks or the development of new growths, it is important to be examined by a dermatologist. They can determine whether there are any points of concern and order appropriate diagnostic tests.
Acne Evaluation
If you struggle with acne anywhere on your body, a dermatologist can help. Through a skin assessment, they will identify the cause of your breakouts and suggest the best products and treatment options to stop inflammation. They can also recommend methods for reducing the appearance of acne scars.
Anti-Aging Skin Assessment
If you have concerns about fine lines, wrinkles, or discoloration, now is the time to make an appointment with your dermatologist. They can suggest treatments and products to boost collagen production and smooth your complexion. Furthermore, they can recommend the best treatments to enhance skin elasticity and firmness.
Eczema or Psoriasis Examination
Patients who experience redness, itching, dry patches, and flare-ups should speak with a dermatologist. Although eczema and psoriasis are common, managing them yourself can be immensely difficult. Let one of our specialists develop a care plan to alleviate your symptoms.
Schedule a Dermatology Appointment in Coral Gables, FL
Visit us at the Florida Academic Dermatology Center to meet with one of our passionate skincare specialists. Dr. Francisco Kerdel and Dr. Frank Don, along with Nevada Norris, PA, are here to address any of your concerns.
Please visit our contact page to request an appointment; you can also call our office at (305) 324-2110.