Here at FADC we offer The Perfect Derma Peel and the SkinMedica Vitalize Peel

What is a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels can help improve the overall appearance of the skin by chemical exfoliation. They address multiple areas of concern including hyperpigmentation, acne scars, fine lines, and uneven skin tone.

What are the Common Ingredients Included in a Chemical Peel?

Glutathione is the ultimate antioxidant, penetrating deep into the skin and targeting premature wrinkling. Glutathione is naturally produced within our bodies. However, as we age these levels are depleted due to factors such as sun exposure, air pollutants, and the natural aging process.

Kojic acid is a powerful lightening agent and proven to increase collagen and elastin production, resulting in skin that is brighter and tighter.

Salicylic acid provides a gentle exfoliating action and acne fighting properties.

TCA, phenol, and retinoic acid reduce wrinkles and correct pigment problems while salicylic acid exfoliates the skin and reduces inflammation. The individual ingredients are powerful, but in combination they produce results that are astonishing.

Pre and Post Care Tips for Chemical Peels

  • Stop all Retin-A products (Retinol, Retinoid) for 2 weeks before the Perfect Derma Peel and 1 week before the Vitalize Peel.
  • Remain from Retin-A products for 2-3 week after.
  • No exercising, hot showers or excessive heat on the face for a week after the Perfect Peel and no exercising the day of the Vitalize Peel.
  • No tanning or sunburns for 6 weeks after the Perfect Peel. The skin is very sensitive and more prone to harmful UV rays.


Ready to find out more about Chemical Peels?

If you live in the area of Coral Gables, FL, we welcome you to call the Florida Academic Dermatology Center at (305) 324-2110 to request a visit at 475 Biltmore Way, Suite #207. Nevada Norris offers Chemical Peels to patients looking to improve their skin tone and texture.

Nevada Norris, PA- Is a NCCPA
Certified Physician Assistant.

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