Can you get sun damage in the winter?
You may be diligent about applying the sunblock during the summer months when spending time at the pool and beach, but did you know that letting your guard down during the winter can significantly increase your risk of developing skin cancer? At Florida Academic Dermatology Center, or FADC, Coral Gables, FL area patients should be aware that sun damage can happen all year long—even during the winter months.
Why is sun protection important?
Conditions such as skin cancer are commonly caused by excessive UV ray damage. The most common form of damage is unprotected skin during time spent outdoors. Due to this, many patients take time to apply sunscreen when spending significant time outside, but this isn’t where sun exposure and sun damage ends. Patients should be wearing sunblock every day, all year round, to protect their skin and reduce their risk of developing skin cancer. Using a high SPF sunblock is key to protection.
How do I know if I have skin cancer?
Any time there is a new growth, lesion, or change in the skin, it may be time to book a screening with a dermatologist in Coral Gables, FL. In fact, patients should have a standing annual appointment with their dermatologist for a skin cancer screening regardless of sun exposure. Skin cancer is easily detectable and with early diagnosis, can be relatively simple to treat. Left unnoticed or untreated, patients with skin cancer may experience more significant damage to their skin—and even face death. Early detection, diagnosis, and treatment can alleviate many of the problems associated with late-stage skin cancers.
How do I learn more about caring for my skin?
An appointment with a dermatologist is a first step in the right direction in learning how to care for your skin. Protect yourself from the risks of skin cancer and the early signs of aging by working with a skilled dermatologist in the Coral Gables, FL area. Dr. Francisco Kerdel and his team at Florida Academic Dermatology Center are here to help. Call (305) 324-2110 to request time with our staff and learn about protecting your skin. The office is conveniently located in Suite #207 at 475 Biltmore Way.