What Dermal Face Filler Treatment For Wrinkles Is Best?

Dermal Filler Treatments

Dermal fillers with names like Restalyne and Juvederm have become an increasingly popular way to improve your appearance by filling in wrinkles and plumping other areas that need a boost. In this blog, the dermatologists at Florida Academic Dermatology Center in Coral Gables explain more about dermal fillers and whether they could be right for you:

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are a popular facial rejuvenation treatment that injects gel-like substances beneath the skin. They can help smooth wrinkles, creases and lines, plump up lost volume, and enhance facial contours.

How does this treatment work and help wrinkles disappear?

Dermal fillers fill in lines, creases, and wrinkles with a substance such as hyaluronic acid. This causes them to nearly disappear. In addition, they can help stimulate your skin’s production of collagen, a protein that helps keep your skin firm but diminishes with age. As your skin produces more collagen, it looks younger and firmer.

What dermal fillers are right for me?

Your doctor will determine what type of filler is right for you based on your needs and the location that needs to be corrected. Some fillers have larger particles sizes than others, and they’re usually best for plumping larger areas like your cheekbones. Fillers with smaller particles are often best for more precise treatment of fine lines.

What happens during the treatment?

At the start of the procedure, your injection sites will be cleaned, and you may receive pain relief. The injections are performed, and your practitioner will massage the injection sites and evaluate the results. More filler may be added if necessary. The entire procedure may last from about 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the number of areas being treated.

When can I expect to see results?

You’ll be able to see immediate results with most types of fillers. This allows your doctor to evaluate your results during the treatment and add a little more filler if needed. You’ll have to wait a few days for any swelling and puffiness to subside before you’ll be able to completely see the final results.

How long will results last?

Most fillers last for about 12-36 months, so if you want to maintain your results, you’ll need to continue treatments after this point. Some types of fillers, including Sculptra, may last longer since they stimulate your body’s production of collagen and can continue to yield results over a longer period.

Who makes a good candidate for dermal fillers?

You could be a good candidate for this wrinkle treatment if the following apply to you:

  • You’re physically healthy
  • You don’t smoke
  • You have realistic goals
  • You’re committed to taking care of your skin

If you’re interested in learning more about whether dermal fillers are right for you and if so, which is most appropriate, make an appointment today with Florida Academic Dermatology Center in Coral Gables. Our experienced dermatologists have the training and experience to help you look your best.

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